Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Story

I thought I would share a snip-it of what I've written. Please give me feed back. I need a focus. I'm trying to have this finished by July...

A journey begins with one step. It is like any other that you’ve ever taken in your life. It is just placing one foot in front of the other. But where each step leads and into what type of terrain, weather, and length, well, now that forms the journey. I learned while hiking all through the lake district of England and the highlands of Scotland that I with each step I was transcending in a prayer-like state. The freedom of just taking off into the mountains and breathing the fresh air, becoming energized, and with this freedome of cares my intellect would be so clear. With each step I would be lifted from the worries that I had, and soon I would be able to focus and concentrate on prayer. The prayer was mostly about my concerns for the future: the thoughts of being married in the temple, the thought s of having children, working together with a spouse and with the Lord to have heaven on earth.

These thoughts became my basis for my walk and talks with my Heavenly Father. That is what I call them. It is a very personal time to have the world quieted, my feet walking, my mind focused, and my spirit ready to sore. I need to have my body in motion in order to concentrate and to think. I know that I need this time to wiggle, move, and to think. Hiking, walking provide this for me.

This is my mental health time. My mental health is created with steps. Steps lead me into a path. The path is my journey and I go further then I was before I started. These are the steps of life. Life then has many stages, layers, and it has holes. Some of life is adventure. Some of it is heart break, but some of it is just everyday workings—like life, it isn’t very glamorous but it is real.

My tale cannot be told without the Lord’s help. My relationship with the Lord is powerful. I have known He is there for me ever since a young age. I have felt his blessings in my life. I have sought to understand the gifts that he has given me so that I can be an instrument in His hands. One of the gifts that he has blessed me with is that of energy and of enthusiasm. He has also blessed me with Faith, with discernment, and with focus or goal setting

This is just a snip--I think I now have 5 beginnings...I need to figure out which one to pick and go from there.

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