Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blessings of Friends

This morning i was reflecting on how amazingly blessed I am to have such great friends. I work in an increadible atmosphere of talent and firendship. I gleen so much from all of them...I know that Lord plants you in ground and expects you to not only grow but to BLOOM! All you friends help me to do that. I feel guidance, strength, and I love to gain your perspective on so many things. Thanks to all of my friends at Spectrum, Chruch, and through family--Sisters and Cousins ROCK!

Most of all thanks to my best friend, Scott. I love you! Thanks for the dancing mopping/clean the floor pictures. We are quite a team.

F= familiar
R= ready to help
I= incredible
E= each other
N= never give up hope, love, or laughter
D= DARCY (that is adoration--the love of service)
S= Silly, simple, sound, sure foundation, and service

Love to all the friends.


Sixstrings63 said...

I love you too Sweetie.....Did you read kent's idea? maybe we could start something here :)

Trish said...

I love you April. You know where my comment can be found.

Trish said...

I understand why you don't want communication with me... I say hard things to hear... but these things needed to be said. Don't shut down again because you have trouble dealing with what I say.

Trish said...

can we please sit down somewhere and talk. Provide the opportunity please.